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Kids Camp Information

Dates: July 11th-13th
Ages: 6-11
Cost: $40
9:30am - 2:00pm
Location: Valley Church - Caldwell, Idaho
At Valley Kids Camp, children will have a blast playing games, making friends, and learning about Jesus! Our goal is to provide a place for kids to draw closer to God through worship, prayer, and creativity. We will also build a sense of community through friendships and team building activities but most of all, we want to help them discover who they are in Christ.
"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams."
Acts 2:17


Kids Camp 2023 is a fun-packed experience for your children! With respect for your busy camper's schedule, this is a "3 day session" event so that your kids can rest easy with mom and dad at home before the next fun filled day. Lunch will be provided for each day as well as two snacks for our campers. You will want to Check-In your camper every morning at the designated time so that they don't miss out on any of the exciting games and activities on our schedule.


Here's WHAT TO BRING to Kids Camp this year:

- Comfortable Clothes (Kids will be playing outside and inside so be sure to wear clothes that can get dirty)

- Comfortable Shoes (Closed Toed for active play and activities)

- Modest Swimwear *shorts over one piece swimsuits for girls* (Water Day Saturday July 13th)

- A Water Bottle

- Sun Screen / Insect Repellent

- A Towel (Water Day Thursday July 13th)


Here's WHAT NOT TO BRING to Kids Camp this year:

- Electronic Devices

- Toys

- Pets


July 11th:
9:30 AM to 10:00 AM
2:00 PM

July 12th:
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
2:00 PM

July 13th (Water Day):
Last Check-in
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Last Pickup
2:00 PM


We look forward to all that God has planned for you and we can't wait to kick off Kid's Camp with you!

We're looking forward to seeing you here and are so expectant for all that God is going to do! Get ready for 3 fun filled days! Be sure to check-in and check-out your children on time so that they don't miss out on any fun games or activities.

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